You’ve heard the saying “couples who play together, stay together.” Well, here at DK Sports & Fitness, we believe that communities who exercise together, improve their well-being together! Being a part of a fitness community can help you establish a routine and stick to it and provides a level of accountability that training alone could never bring about. The relationships you build can add the element of purpose to your workouts and typically increase the intensity of your workout, yielding better results. Come be a part of the Fitness Community at DK Sports & Fitness by participating in our group fitness classes! You do not need to be a member of DK to participate in any of our classes.
Click here to view the January Group Fitness calendar
WHO – Options, modifications and progressions can be provided for all fitness levels!
WHAT – In these classes, you will experience a variety of cardiovascular and strength exercises to help you get fit and healthy. These classes incorporate body weight exercises and a variety of equipment options that are provided. Classes are designed weekly, so your body will always be challenged and guessing, as opposed to doing the same exercises day after day after day. We offer a conventional Boot Camp, as well as a lower impact version that is designed for those who want to build strength at a lower intensity level.
WHEN – These one-hour classes are offered in 8-week sessions. Our current session runs from December 9 – February 7
Traditional Boot Camp – MWF at 5AM, 6AM, or 7AM
Intermediate Boot Camp – Tues/Thur at 7AM
You do not have to strictly adhere to the class time that you register for. If you have a meeting one day (or you overslept!) and it works better for you to attend one of the other class times, just show up at that time!
WHY – Lose fat mass, tone muscles, increase strength and find accountability in the community!
HOW MUCH? – $160 for the Traditional Boot Camp; $100 for the Intermediate Boot Camp. Or drop-in for $10/class. Sign up by signing into your DK account and clicking on the “Sign Up for Camp/Class” button.
WHO – Senior citizens wanting to improve their physical and mental fitness
WHAT – Classes involve simple exercises that focus on improving balance, stability, joint range of motion, and management of chronic pain.
WHEN – These one-hour classes are offered on MWF from 9AM-10AM
WHY – To help you stay strong in body, mind and spirit. Regular physical activity keeps your heart, brain, bones, muscles and joints healthy and you get the social benefit of building community within your class.
HOW MUCH? – $50 for the 4-week session or drop-in for $10/class. Sign up by signing into your DK account and clicking on the “Sign Up for Camp/Class” button.